Original price was: ₹2,750.00.Current price is: ₹2,700.00.

1000 in stock

SKU: TRIPLE Category:


Method: CLIA
Price: 2750.00
Report: Sample Mon through Sat by 9 am; Report Same day
Usage: Triple Screen test is used for Prenatal Screening of Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21), Edward’s Syndrome (Trisomy 18) and Open Neural Tube Defects. The approximate detection rate with this test is 55–65% with a false positive rate of 5%.
Doctor Specialty: Gynecologist
Disease: Prenatal Diagnosis
Components: *AFP *Beta HCG *Free Estriol *Risk Evaluation
Courier Charges: 0.00
Home Collection: Available
Pre Test Information: Provide maternal Date of birth (dd/mm/yy); LMP or Ultrasound; IVF, Number of Fetuses (Single/ Twins); Diabetic status and Body Weight in Kg, Smoking & Previous history of Trisomy 21 pregnancy. Duly filled Maternal Serum Screen requisition form (Form 11) is mandatory. Valid between 14-22 weeks gestation (Ideal 15-20 weeks).